Link to Karl DONERT's presentation
Karl DONERT, President of EUROGEO, Vice-Chair of the Committee and Coordinator of the Working Group on Climate and Human Rights, presented the follow-up to the Paris Climate Agreement, highlighting the political will of the States on the positive side and, on the negative one, the rise in temperatures for the third year in a row, including the oceans' one and the increase in climatic migrations
Link to Karl DONERT's presentation
Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS : land and landcape experience sharing through the Landscape Award Alliance1/27/2017 Committee on Democracy, Social Cohesion and Global Challenges Council od Europe - 25 January 2017 Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Head of Division, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe, made clear through fifty-two examples from the Alliance of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe that land and landscape sharing, build people's rights, democracy and Peace,
Link to the Council of Europe website Ageing and Health - follow up of the side event held on 23 June 2016 ![]() Laurence LWOFF, Secretary to the Bioethics Committee of the Council of Europe (DH-BIO), Lord Georges FOULKES, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (United Kingdom, Anne-Marie CHAVANON, President, Alexandra-Luminita PETRESCU, Former Secretary of State at the ministry in charge of Public consultation and civil dialogue in Romania Lord Foulkes Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (United Kingdom), Rapporteur on « A European social commitment guaranteeing the rights of older people and their comprehensive care », and President of the Charity AGE Scotland , stressed that "because it is the Council of Europe, that is producing the report, we are looking at it from human rights point of view. That doesn’t mean to say, he added, that we are not concerned with compassion for the elderly and how we have got responsibility to look after our older people but we are looking at it not from a compassion point of view but from human rights of older people. So, it is important to think in terms of the rights of people." A huge demographic change versus austerity programs Lord Foulkes pointed out the huge demographic change taking place. Soon in Europe, he said, 25% of our population will be over 65; And in the world as a whole there will be 40 million people over the age of 85, particularly vulnerable older people. And meanwhile, the working population is reducing. The income and the wealth of the countries is going down. And we are also going through a time when governments around Europe are talking about making cuts. They have programs of austerity. They do in the UK and in many other European countries. A guarantee of charter for older people So it is even more important. It is now absolutely the right time that we should get an agreement through the Council of Europe to get a guarantee or charter for older people. The rapporteur calls for a Charter at Council of Europe level to
Laurence LWOFF reported to the Committee on the work of the Committee on Bioethics in progress, in particular issues arising from the work of the Democracy, Social Cohesion and Global Challenges Committee and PACE on the theme of older people, which will be highlighted during the Next celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Oviedo Convention
The Human Rights and Bioethics Convention: an international reference instrument After recalling that the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine is the responsibility of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee of the Council of Europe, Mrs Lwoff, who is its Executive Secretariat, underlines that this Convention is a reference Human rights at European level but also at international level. So the Inter-American Court of Human Rights uses the Oviedo Convention as a reference tool. The celebration of the 20th anniversary of this convention will be an opportunity to adopt a forward-looking vision on the place of the principles established by the Council of Europe in the field of bio-medical development. Many think that "development" means scientific and technological development, says Lwolff, but it is also about how practices evolve and the thinking of the Commission and Lord Foulkes seems to him to be important in this respect. The recommendation adopted by the Committee in June 2016 has been distributed to all Member States. It reinforced the idea that it was necessary not only to look at new developments of modernity but also to look at whether things that seemed obvious were always so, such as respect for consent, equity of access to care, how people particularly the most vulnerable ones are cared for. Evolution of practices or erosion of principles? Considering that the work of reflection on the issue of older people is particularly relevant, Laurence Lwoff said that it has aroused great interest among the delegations, many of whom are committed to these issues Laurence Lwoff indicated that priority areas of reflection have been chosen in order to discern
"Democracy : transparency and sustainable partnership through Open Governement Partnership (OGP)" - 25 January 2017 Alexandra-Luminita PETRESCU : YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW !Former Secretary of State at the Ministry in charge of Public consultation and civil dialogue in Romania, Ms PETRESCU advocated for access to information, transparency, institutional capacity and support for NGOs to build sustainable partnership She insisted on the government will to create a coherent framework for public participation in the decision making process and to enhance the level of transparency and access to public information in the Romanian administration. The "Your right to know campaign" was a key process, the first time when a public institution from central administration speaks to citizens about their right to know and active citizenship ! She underlined the 5 Government priorities :
OGP : Can a new international initiative make government more transparent, responsive, inclusive, effective and reliable? ![]()
May the year 2017 open our hearts and our countries to respect for the person and for human dignity, whatever the way and the sector ! Could we be moved by an intense yearning for peace, sharing and dialogue both in the Council of Europe and in our NGOs, in our communities and our families! We offer to all of you, dear Friends, wishes of great serenity and personal happiness !
Anne-Marie CHAVANON Karl DONERT Thierry MATHIEU President Vice-president Vice-president |
Texts on climate by the committee
Living together in multicultural societies : respect, dialogue, interaction
July 2018