Towards an "Agenda in Common" in the Democracy field at the Council of Europe - A round table with the participation of Keith WHITMORE, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Jean-Marie HEYDT, President of he Conference of INGOs and Alfonso ZARDI, Head of the Democracy, Institutions and Governance Department of the organisation, presented the commitments of the three bodies for 2012.
- The Council of Europe 2012 Commitments on Democracy were presented by the Congress, the CDLR and the Conference of INGOs
- Giuseppe GUARNERI, Head of the Ad hoc Working Group, presented the Chart on Democracy project ,one of the Committee’s contributions to the World Forum for Democracy and the European Democracy Week
Among the Major 2012 Global issues, the committee listened to three viewpoints by Cyril RITCHIE, President of the Conference of UN-NGOs, Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Head of the Heritage, Landscape and technical Assistance Division of the Council of Europe and Anne-Marie CHAVANON, Delegate from the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) – Committee’s Contribution
(link to the declaration adopted by the committee)
UNFCCC - DOHA Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Changement climatique – Qatar (26 Novembre –
7 Decembre 2012) – The chair informs the committee of the proposition of the Parlimentary assembly of a commun work to the Conference
The committee supported the appeal launched by the IFHR through the adoption of a resolution and a recommendation to the member states (texts presented by Anje WIERSINGA, Head of the Working group on "Including Gender perspectives in political and democratic processes, in particular during and after conflicts” )
- Climate Change and Human Rights (Edith WENGER) link
- European Citizenship (Hélène DUQUIN) link
- Health Risks and Mobility, a Global Challenge (Thierry MATHIEU)
- Housing and Health (Bernard AUBERT) link
- Landscape, a social Cohesion Tool at Threat (Gerhard ERMISCHER) link
- Migrations and democracy: situation, problems and provided examples of answers (Jean-Claude GONON) link
- Relations with EU Bodies of Civil Society (Claude-Laurent GENTY) link
- Social and political evolutions in Southern Mediterranian Countries (JP ESTIVAL) link
- Women's participation in political and democratic processes particularly dealing with conflicts (Anje WIERSINGA) link
- European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) - 2-3 April 2012 - Anne-Marie Chavanon
- European Steering Committee for Youth and Advisory Council on Youth mars2012 - Israel MENSAH
- Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP): 15 – 16 mai 2012 - Patrice COLLIGNON (RED), Gerhardt ERMISCHER (CIVILSCAPE)
- European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) – Hearing of Anne-Marie CHAVANON and Antonella VALMORBIDA (ALDA)
- Sub/committee of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe – 23 mai 2012 - Paris – Audition d’Anne-Marie CHAVANON on the Committee’s contributions to Rio and Doha Summits
- International Observatory on participatory democracy (OIDP) – 12 Jun 2012 - Porto Alegre (Brésil) – Participation to a round table - Anne-Marie CHAVANON